About Us
Our Community Hall is a registered charity, with all profit from the hiring of the hall helping to maintain it and the surrounding grounds.
The hall is run and maintained by a dedicated group of Camerton residents; the Camerton Community Hall Trustees and Members. We are all volunteers and always welcome new members, as well as enquiries and useful suggestions from you....wherever you may live!

2023 Review: Camerton Community Hall Trustees
Camerton Community Hall is a community centre for the residents of Camerton parish and neighbourhood; together with the recreation ground/sports field it provides facilities for physical exercise, training, meetings, lectures, classes, camping and other forms of leisure-time activities and entertainment. Built ~40 years ago many of the local residents are aware of the hard work that went in to fundraising and creating this wonderful facility for which the present residents owe a debt of gratitude.
Chairpersons' Report: Year End 2023
2022/23 was an uphill grind for the Trustees and Committee in the aftermath of the pandemic. Utility bills went through the roof which meant hire prices having to go up. Hired hours were lost due to organisations using the hall not being able to get back up to their original numbers before Covid. To save money, more controls were put in place with outside lights, water heaters, bar and hall heaters all now operated remotely from a mobile phone. The inefficient infrared heaters in the hall area were replaced with air sourced heat pump units.
We continued to upgrade the hall and its grounds. Enhancement to the entrance of the grounds have been completed with two stone pillars and new gates installed to create a great first impression. Solar panels have been discussed but with the time it would take to get the financial outlay back, this has been put on hold. The Jolly Collier Bar which is run by Celebration Bars on a Friday evening on behalf of the committee, continues to be a great success and is well supported by people from the local area. Having the bar open to the public has brought in extra bookings for wakes, parties and weddings. Over the year, we have endeavoured to keep the noise levels down in consideration of our neighbours and have engaged Steve of Celebration Bars as a Hall Steward to oversee that hirers comply with the T&Cs. On behalf of everyone, I thank the Hall Committee members for all their hard work and support over the past, somewhat challenging, year, as well as over the whole of the last 7 years of the committee being in office. A lot has been achieved.
Camerton Community Hall Chair